Technical documentation

This page contains the technical documentation for the Signaturgruppen Broker.

Seamless Integration with Signaturgruppen Broker

The Signaturgruppen Broker supports the OpenID Connect protocol, providing a robust and flexible solution for integrating virtually any client application or service. By leveraging OpenID Connect, Signaturgruppen Broker ensures compatibility and ease of integration, allowing developers to implement secure and reliable authentication mechanisms with minimal effort.

Key benefits of integrating with Signaturgruppen Broker include:

  • Comprehensive Protocol Support: The OpenID Connect protocol is widely recognized and supported, ensuring that Signaturgruppen Broker can seamlessly integrate with a broad range of applications and services.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Whether you’re developing a small application or a large-scale service, Signaturgruppen Broker’s integration capabilities can scale to meet your needs, providing a future-proof solution.
  • Enhanced Security: By utilizing industry-standard protocols, Signaturgruppen Broker offers robust security features, protecting your users’ data and ensuring secure authentication processes.

Online Demo of Signaturgruppen Broker

GitHub demo projects

MitID Age verification - simple HTML and JavaScript

.Net 4.7 OWIN

.Net Core

Contact Signaturgruppen
