NemLog-in3 integrations

The signtext api integrates and exposes some functionality supplied by NemLog-in3.

Cpr matches signer ID

NemLog-in3 provides a service for qualified signatures. Within the signed AdES documents, NemLog-in3 supplies an unique identifier which can be matched to a cpr using NemLog-In webservices. We provide an intgration to this service. The integration is part of signtext api and can be accessed using the same authorization.

CPR match signer ID API example

Invoke the match, setting both CPR and the unique identifier found in the received signed AdES document.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJS...eyAPD6te6ohOtYCkoPpgHP2PJLfGz_oCK9w' \
--data '{
    "cpr": "1234567890",
    "nl3Identity": "UI:DK-P:G:894715f7-4261-4443-9f1c-d45f1f21b222"

The response is on the following form, informing if the CPR and signer ID matches:

  "match": "bool"